Walking trails and rafting around Garda de Sus

Trimisă în 04.08.13 11:04
autor sirbuvioGD [Tulcea]

Somebody I know, foreigner, intends a trip at Garda de Sus. Asked me some details, but I cannot help myself. Any English speaking users around who might give a sample of our hospitality, by helping with hints?

Here is his question:

On August 3,2013 1:04 AM old_traveler1 wrote:


We want to make some walking trails in the Epuseni Apuseni area with our girls (10 and 13 years who used to walk for 3-4 hours).

We will stay in Garda de Sus 3-4 days to make walking trails and Rafting.

Can you recommend me on some trails?

Where is the start/end point per each trail?

How much time we need to walk in each trail?

Do we pass a river or a waterfall during this trail?

Where can we get a walking trails map for this area?

We will be there next week, where can we have water to make rafting? please send me their contacts.




And sorry webmasters if posting in English is bad.

  • PERIOADA: 3 days
  • BUGET: 400 E



Some general considerations (in romanian, unfortunately) can be found here (pdf document).

There are two rafting trails on the Arieș river that can meet the needs of those who want adrenaline on a river (route 1) or a more relaxing rafting tour (route 2) while enjoying the scenery. Both trails are completed with 2-person boats. (excerpt from touristic site comercial).

Here you can see how it goes...

More info will certainly be available on place, after arrival.

N.B.: Dragoș_MD este CONSILIER ONORIFIC AFA pe destinația ROMÂNIA
EVALUAȚI:punctaj crt: 50 PMA [std] + 700 PMA (1 voturi)

laura_ycoGD1r[04.08.13 13:59]

@Dragos: Hello, please let Your e-mail and I'll send You some info tommorow.


sirbuvioGDAUTOR SOL[04.08.13 14:21]

Thanks Dragos and Laura

Admin[04.08.13 14:27]

@sirbuvio: sper că ţi-ai notat adresa laurei -- trebuie s-o şterg, nu e permisă pe AFA publciarea niciunui tip de date personale...


În caz că nu ai notat-o - scrie-i PM.

sirbuvioGDAUTOR SOL[04.08.13 14:41]

Nu am notat-o, era adresata lui Dragos, nu mi-am permis.

Daca ii transmite lui ceva si el posteaza, multumiri. Daca nu, asta e. Se vor descurca acei oameni cumva.

Deocamdata nu stiu cine e, si n-o deranjez cu pm. Se pare totusi ca e genul de outdoor si off the beaten path, si ar putea avea idei folositoare. Mai vedem. Daca nu mi-a scris mie direct, o avea motive, stiu si eu...

EVALUAȚI:punctaj crt: 50 PMA [std] (0 voturi)

Admin[04.08.13 14:46]

@sirbuvio: mie îmi pare evident că ţi se adresează ţie (tu ai solicitat info, nu Dragoş); dacă doreşte, însă, îţi poate trimite oricum adresa (prin PM)

sirbuvioGDAUTOR SOL[04.08.13 15:07]

Ok, incerc!

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