GR. VÂRSTĂ: 20-30 ani
DIN: Bucuresti
ÎNSCRIS: 28.06.10
DURATA: 5 nopți
familie cu copii
2 AD. + 2 COPII -- v: 1-2 ani

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Către satisfăcător


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Am rezistat cu bine


Am ajuns acasa cu bine dupa un tratament relaxativ (enterocolita, probabil pestele, nu sunt sigur) la Melia Grand Hermitage.

Asta a fost ultima zi a unui concediu unde marile provocari au fost reprezentate de prima zi (descrisa mai jos) si ultima zi - (dureri de burta, voma, diaree).

Mai jos aveti scrisoarea adresata Managerului General al hotelului si raspunsul pe care mi l-a acordat:

"In the attention to The General Manager of Melia Grand Hermitage Hotel, Golden Sands Resort, Bulgaria

My name is Andrei DXXXXXX and since yesterday my family (me, my wife and baby daughter) are guests in your mighty hotel.

We carefully chose this hotel to spend few special days of rest at sea side, after long studying on the internet for offers we could find close enough to our home for our child to bare a car ride to. There were few problems that we found on the reviews people left on the internet that we considered we could deal with at Melia Grand Hermitage. One of these was the parking problem and the fact that you could risk the theft or the lifting of the car by police if you don't park the car in the special parking space below ground level wich is not a small sum, I belive, others also - 10 euro per day. We read about this problem wich came on almoust every review posted about this hotel. Most of the reviewers called this "the parking mafia" accusing the hotel of working hand in hand with the car lifters taking the car. So we decided to be carefull all the way through and pay the parking space below the hotel.

We arrived yesterday at 16:30 and after scrutening around the Melia G. H. hotel for a point of stop in order to check in and buy the parking space offered by the hotel. So we had to get out of the car although we could see signs all over that they will take up the car, if leaving it there, but we had to get off in order to speak inside the hotel. I mention that I did't considered it necessary to force my exhausted wife and child (after more than 6 hours ride) to bare at the car till I would fix our staing details.

10 minutes, no more it took us to talk with a desk man till we could find our room number, get the ticket for the parking space below (during which procedure I had to give the register plate of the car and details about it) and few basic infos about our stay. Then we were pointed out to our room that I wanted to find and take my family to, for then to go back, move the car and get the luggage. Wich I did, except for the latter part because thecar was not where I left it.

10 minutes!!! I came out the shock few moments after not beliveing my eyes "where is my car? " and went back to find out how can I get it back cause all that I read about all this (the many similar cases of missled people comeing here) gave me an ideea about what happend.

So I entered, without realising the fools role cause further on I was treated as such, although I argued with the hotel front desk man wich to my amazement was devilishly amused and so was the security guy that he was picking up his smiles and jestures. So this were my lines in this role that I felt like I was played with and it was easily directed:

Me: "But where was I suposed to leave the car if not there in front of the hotel in order to check in? "

The desk clerk: Well, why didn't you leave it in front of the entrance?

Me: "How could I have left it there? I would've bloked the passing through. There were signs everywere of not leaving the car but I chose to put it overthere because it was not blocking anyone. "

The desk guy: "Sorry, you should have left it in front of the entrance. "

Me: "Surely this is not the first time this happened, why didn't you warned me to go and move or defend my car, treat my first encounter with the hotel with respect and consideration? Where did you imagine I left my car? "

The same amuzed and eye blinking guy: "In front of the entrance. "

I had to walk till the other end of the resort to find the car, my wife not knowing were I was for almoust two hours that took me to pay about 40 euro to get the car back and take it to the parking space below that I pay for 10 euro a day. What a scam! Left without reply where ever I went yesterday, I came now to present my experience to you, not because I really want my money back, but because here I payed more than the money and time, I payed the frustrations of a sad begining and purhapse of the entire experience of a long awaited holliday for me and my family (this is my first sea side experience for my daughter). I want to belive that a five star hotel like yourself, and perhaps any other hotel that cares about its guests would value as much the experience and satisfaction of a common person as I am as to any other people that trust them to host the moments to remember for a lifetime.

Please let me know that you will look into and find a solution to this problem further on.


Andrei D,

Room 6033"

Raspunsul Managerului M. G. H. :

"Dear Mr. DXXXXXX:

I am sorry to hear about the issue and I will find out about it. Believe me, specially this year because of the poison that the television spread (wrong and not contrasted information), I have taken specially care about the parking after this. I personally have taken care and I prepared a procedure to help first of all the client (that is my biggest concerned) and second to avoid any confusion with this subject that came at the beginning of may as my worst experience ever as hotelier. The information given in the television and in the media was not shown in the way it should have been.

The procedure of the parking We have implemented this year. Always we have a space inside our property (red area in front of the door) reserved for the guest to check in, but you have to stay in the hotel area if you are outside you have the risk to be taken by the spider that has nothing to do with the hotel (you are right, they are quick and it is already reported to the municipality, but we do not have anything to do with this spider enterprise).

The procedure is like that: Normally the clients arrive to the hotel, park in the lobby area IN the hotel red area in front of the door) for a few minutes with the 4 blinkers in order to allow them to check in. After that, the client decides if he wants to stay in the parking or not. We have signs everywhere in the hotel to inform the client about the spider. I am sure that our staff informs the client to take care about the place they park the car and of course if somebody decides to park outside, it never can goes in our responsibilities. I am sure because it is in my daily duties

Be sure that I will keep enforcing our staff to help the client in the usual way. I will contact you anyway to speak to you in order to make your stay more pleasant. Have a nice stay"

Am avut si o intrevedere cu managerul hotelului in timpul careia am remarcat atentia lui de a proteja imaginea hotelului si grija de a evita o situatie ce a avut loc in luna mai cand un grup de romani ce a trecut printr-o situatie similara a ajuns sa faca un mare scandal, implicand televiziunea si politia. I-am spus ca nu auzisem de acest incident si ca nu doresc sa ajung asa departe, eu cautand doar sa ma adresez lui, in calitate de manager general, sa-i prezint dezamagirea mea pentru lipsa de profesionalism cu care am fost tratat.

A incercat sa ma convinga de faptul ca hotelul nu este responsabil pentru aceste ridicari de masini, de faptul ca turistii romani sunt importanti pentru hotel si arunca toata vina pe autoritatile bulgaresti si concurenta pentru acest zel de a indeparta clientii hotelului. Mi-a oferit cateva variante de "a-mi face sederea mai placuta", fiecare contravaloarea a 10 euro, jenant pentru a incerca sa compenseze situatia prin care a trebuit sa trec asa ca am refuzat si i-am declarat ca pot sa raman doar cu o oarecare consolare - faptul ca i-am prezentat punctul de vedere al turistului caruia ii este stricata vacanta si cerinta de a gasi o solutie pentru aceasta bataie de joc.

Daca nu erau aceste probleme mentionate, as fi putut trece poate mult mai usor peste calitatea precara a serviciilor allinclusive improprii unui hotel nu de 5, ci chiar de 4 stele: gama restransa de feluri de mancare, berea pe care nu pot sa o descriu decat ca pe o bere fara alcool si cu adaos de sifon, peste impresia de mall, sau supermarket a intregului complex gandit special anume pentru a face turism la scara industriala.

La plusuri pot mentiona camera, calitatea pieselor, a finisajelor si elementelor functionale care o mobileaza, de asemenea marimea piscinei.

Asadar, daca mergeti la Melia G. H. opriti masina in usa hotelului (cu avariile pornite) pana va cazati si nu 10 m in fata inde am lasat-o eu. De asemenea, cand veti manca ceva ce va strica la burta, provocati-va voma (iminenta cred) pentru a indeparta mancarea din organism pt. ca sa va reveniti mai repede.

In statiune cand schimbati bani, atentie la comisionale ascunse sau informatii incomplete.

Trimis de arthimedes in 06.08.10 00:38:28
  • Nu a fost singura vizită/vacanţă în BULGARIA. A mai fost în/la: Duni Resort, Balchik
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  • rezervă o cameră la acest hotel, prin

  • ECOURI la acest review

    3 ecouri scrise, până acum

    [06.08.10 06:33:23]

    Inteleg problemele intampinate si imi pare sincer rau pentru ca ti-au stricat vacanta.

    Totusi incearca cand ai timp, sa ne povestesti cate ceva si despre celelalte capitole pentru care ai acordat note, n-as vrea sa se creada ca toate notele sunt influentate de acele evenimente nefericite.

    Pe de alta parte n-ar fi fost rau sa postezi cele doua scrisori in limba romana, astfel ele putand fii intelese mult mai bine de catre toti cei care citesc impresiile.

    [06.08.10 11:07:32]

    Este foarte bine ca ai luat atitudine. Un mare numar de romani se intorc dezamagiti din concedii fara a face nici o plangere, pur si simplu resemnati.

    [10.07.11 16:03:53]

    nu ti mai face griji! nu esti singurul cu probleme avute din cauza mancarii! Am patit o asa ca daca aveai vreo indoiala cum ca nu din cauza lor a fost problema acum poti fi sigur ca ei sunt de vina!

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