delia30 - [1] reviews

AUG-2009 »» Karteros Hotel [Amnisos] / HERAKLION / GRECIA

The nightmare / Cosmar

My son got intoxicated the second day after he ate at Karteros. We could not rest at all because the hotel is at 1 km from the place where planes take off and it was a tremendous noise even with windows closed. And in August there where planes from 15 to 15 minutes even during the night. The beach was dirty and beside 2 tavernas you cannot find anything else in the neibourghood. To get anywhere you have to wait in the sun at least 30-45 minutes for a bus and then travel at least one hour. If [...]  citește review
  • încărcate în [06.05.10]satisfacţie: 25.50%
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